Ocala Wrongful Death Lawyer

Wrongful death is any death that results from the misconduct or negligence of another person or entity. Wrongful death can be the result of an auto accident, a work accident, a dangerous product or the negligent acts of others.
Many times families are so stricken by pain and grief that they may not realize that the death of their loved one was due to the negligence of another. Their loved one is no longer there to tell them what happened to them. It is through the work of attorneys with access to forensic experts that preservation of previously undetected evidence can be preserved to prove the case. For instance, a person may be involved in an automobile accident and may be ejected because, the police report says, the person was not wearing their seatbelt. However, upon closer inspection by an engineering expert with special knowledge concerning seatbelt latching mechanisms, it can be determined if there was a failure of the seatbelt latch during the collision, resulting in the ejection of the passenger.
While no amount of money can make up for the loss of a loved one, if a death was caused by the negligence of another person or entity, the law provides for compensation to the survivors: the spouse, child or parents of the loved one. Such recovery may help with funeral and medical bills, as well as lost income. The survivors may also be entitled to compensation for the loss of love, support and services of the deceased.
It is important to note that the statute of limitations, the time within which you must bring a wrongful death lawsuit, is only two years.
If you suspect that wrongful conduct may be to blame for the death of a family member, you must move quickly to protect your legal rights and preserve the evidence. Please contact us to schedule your free initial consultation today.
To speak to a dedicated Ocala wrongful death attorney, confidential consultation, call us today at 352-629-7777